EMCS hosts the “10,000 Tonight” food drive & fundraiser Dec 13

The EMCS Leadership class is once again hosting the annual “10,000 Tonight” food drive and fundraiser, December 8-15, to support the Sooke Food Bank. This includes the main in-person event on Friday, December 13, 5-8pm, where they will be sending volunteers door-to-door, collecting monetary donations and non-perishable food items.
Several years ago, the “10,000 Tonight” event was launched with the goal of collecting 10,000 non-perishable food items in a single night. Since then, it has expanded to all three high schools in school district 61. All food and funds collected by EMCS will stay in Sooke, directly supporting the Sooke Food Bank.
10,000 Tonight has become an important tradition at EMCS. Student leaders work extremely hard to organize this event and are always amazed at how both our school and local community can provide their generous support. The holiday season is a difficult time for many individuals and families. 10,000 Tonight is not only a fantastic way for students and community members to build a shared sense of identity, but also an essential way to give back to the community.